3D Visuals

2 articles tagged as 3D Visuals
3D Visuals for Property

3D visuals for property is a tool more and more real-estate agents are using these days to help sell properties. Especially when these properties are still in the building fase. Buyers often have difficulty seeing the potential and what a space can finally look like. That’s where VKV Visuals (me) comes in. Creating appealing visuals with realistic interior design plans, that can actually be executed for real (also by me), are one of my favorite things to do and have been doing for a long time.

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Amsterdam Loft

An Amsterdam loft is the latest project I just finalised. As you may know I am, besides an interior-design blogger, also a 3D Artist. My blog actually helps me make sense of all the trends and hypes in interior-land. So that I can create my 3D Artist Impressions with added creativity and informed interior design choices.

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