think that house greens can do a lot for any indoor space. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean the old begonia’s that granny had on her windowsill. No, what I mean are those bright green big-leaved tropical plants like the Banana Leave plant. Or the grey-green Olive trees or Eucalyptus branches. It’s beautiful to see the light filtered through their leaves.
These plants also add texture to a space, be it big and chunky or fine and filigreed. Here are some examples of what I mean.
n blogland the buzz is all about the color Green trending for spring 2014. It probably has a lot to do with the indoor gardening trend that is so hot right now. Or with how the color Teal is so visible in everything these days, be it in webdesign, fashion…
int Green is my color for April 2015. It actually reminds me of Guilford Green, Benjamin Moore's Color of the Year for 2015. And it is similar to Cambridge Blue, the color commonly used for sportsteams from Cambridge University in the UK. I am surprised to see this color all…